The Coronation of King Charles III 

With the Coronation of King Charles III  has come the inevitable punditry and Nostradamus followers seeking to foretell the future under the King’s reign. But it is difficult to forecast too many things in this way; the weather is bad enough.

When it comes to that forecasters actually look back, as much as to what seems to be brewing up in the Atlantic, from whence most of our weather comes to us. They look back to see what might be possible because of what is forming now. When it comes to King Charles’ sadly we do not have a good track record in the nation. But just as we do with the weather, we can be hope filled of some good times. Let’s face it, the past few years have been pretty duff really, so we are due some good times!

When it comes to the weather it is, of course, more about having the correct clothes to face the day than anything else. And maybe the same could be said about our lives. Many people expend time and energy trying to second guess the future rather than ensuring today goes as well as possible through how we approach things.

Jesus rightly suggested one way – “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don’t get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow”. Being attentive to the ‘Good things of God’, to ‘Goodness’ -this is where we get the word from. Goodness; peace in the world, justice and mercy for others, the love of our neighbours — the good things of God.

In the end King Charles will have little chance to change our nation; but we can, even if it is a little bit today and a little bit tomorrow! It may rain tomorrow or be a scorching summer, whichever it is we can all bring some sunshine to the world about us through being attentive to the ‘good things’ in our community, getting involved, helping out, volunteering just as the King is encouraging us to, be that in our environment or in community groups and activities. If the third age of the Carolinians is to achieve anything it will need you and me, and our good works, our ‘goodness’.

Blessings Bruce

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